Parliamentary democracy



  • Democracy or a steamroller?

    19 December 2001

    Parliamentary democracy

    RiTo No. 4, 2001

    Democracy is a form of political culture and communication. In order for it to work and be sustainable, it requires, like any other sophisticated system, fixed rules, a certain cultural environment, and - most importantly - a system for ensuring the observance of all these principles.

  • The Role of the Riigikogu in the Accession of Estonia into the European Union

    18 June 2001

    Parliamentary democracy

    RiTo No. 3, 2001

    Recent trends indicate an increasingly important and wider role for national parliaments both in the EU legislative process and in domestic decision-making. Eurointegration seems to have resulted in the general strengthening of the sense of responsibility and self-awareness in national parliaments. Public opinion tends to view the EU as a huge bureaucracy far away in Brussels whose decisions benefit only those making them. On the other hand, the European Parliament, elected directly by the citizens since 1979, is believed to be the most democratic institution. The Amsterdam Treaty defines the functions of national parliaments and further strengthens the European Parliament's role.

  • Thoughts on Parliamentarism, Democracy and the Trends of the Riigikogu

    31 October 2000

    Parliamentary democracy

    RiTo No. 2, 2000

    The Deputy Speaker of the Riigikogu, Siiri Oviir, who is also a representative of the opposition parties in the three-member board of the Riigikogu, focuses in her article on the role of the Parliament in law-making and on the issues of parliamentary control, supervision and autonomy.
