As I am writing these lines, Estonia is enjoying warm summer weather, the streets are crowded with people, the shopping centres are full of shoppers and the restaurant terraces are packed with customers. Everything appears to be almost like it was before. The past year was something in which we did not want to and did not know how to live. However, it seems to be over now. It is time to count the losses and to move on.
The issue of RiTo you are holding in your hands contains almost exclusively articles on COVID-19. There are nearly twenty of them. We have tried to present as much argumented information as possible, in order to learn from it and to discuss it, as well as to capture it for posterity. What exactly it was like.
We are writing about history, about the great plagues and diseases in the history of humankind.
We are also writing about legal dilemmas in imposing restrictions. Which argument makes the stronger case – the Constitution or a health risk?
We are also writing about the statistics that is so fascinating for us, the research carried out during the crisis, the impacts of the crisis and home learning on the academic achievement of pupils, the effectiveness of teleworking, and the direct and indirect impact of the crisis on global and the Estonian economy.
We cannot avoid speaking of the family physician system in Estonia, because it is impossible to overestimate the role of family physicians.
And of course, there are several articles on vaccination in this issue.
I mentioned but half of the articles of the focus topic. Of course I do recommend reading them all, and certainly the two articles on history in the final part of RiTo – both the polemic article on the attitudes of the leaders of the pre-war republic and the memoires of one of our most distinguished members of the Riigikogu.