20 Years of Riigikogu Toimetised – Tiina Kaalep
It is important to know the target group of the journal: university students, followers of politics, politicians, civil servants, or casual readers.
I think that the current principal reader group of RiTo are university students, who are able to use particularly the research articles and summaries in their studies. The journal is probably also read by civil servants. There is room for improvement in attracting politicians to take part in discussion panels and giving feedback on published materials. And followers of politics in the widest sense is a target group that our journal has not managed to reach. This means that the new editor must start chasing them down because they won’t come to us on their own.
Publishing research papers is part of RiTo and will remain so, as I see it. Another central topic – politics – is the core of RiTo. The pivotal task of RiTo could be the role of an assisting instrument in policy shaping, offering background and fresh argumentation, and I’m not only thinking about politicians at the level of the parliament, but also in local governments and ministries. And it would be nice if policy shapers could write thoughtful and well argued articles on their fields of expertise. By this I mean members of the Riigikogu, local governments, civil servants, and private sector leaders.
Tiina Kaalep – Editor-in-Chief of Riigikogu Toimetised issues 41–