The Republic of Estonia 100 – Party or celebration?
In 2018, one hundred years have passed since the establishing of the Republic of Estonia. It is without doubt the most important anniversary in the history of the country, and it concerns all people who live in Estonia. At the time when the society is split by world-view issues, the global security situation has become tense and economic insecurity grows, celebrating an anniversary gives the country and its people a good opportunity to find again their common ground, to tell the story of sovereignty in a modern language, to initiate new activities with future perspective, to enhance belief in oneself and in one’s country.
Celebration of the greatest anniversary in the history of Estonia will take place during longer period. The programme starts in April 2017, and ends in February 2020 with the 100th anniversary of the Tartu Peace Treaty.
The programme of the activities dedicated to the anniversary is not just a cultural programme, it concerns all important spheres of life and gives the society a possibility to look back on the history of our country, to emphasise its present and to set new aims for the future. To be ancient and modern at the same time, to be ready to learn and to believe in yourself.
Each person, community or local government can actively participate in celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Republic of Estonia by organising events or giving presents. Children and young people are in the centre of attention of Estonia 100.