Motives and Mechanisms for the Estonian Electorate
Much data has been gathered to understand the political preference of the electorate in Estonia. But what good are data if they are not put to use to further develop and modernize politicians’ and officials’ knowledge?
The goal of this analysis is to inform politicians and officials of data that is necessary for their decision-making, data gathered at different intervals and by different work groups. These are data from Estonia-wide surveys conducted by ES Market Studies and Saar Poll and Raivo Vetik’s research group at the behest of the Chancellery of the Riigikogu, also public opinion polls done by University of Tartu’s political science department.
The following questions have been in the secondary survey spotlight on electoral research and civic awareness: the influences on the formation of political views and knowledge, factors contributing to level of engagement and attitude toward the electoral system, also, the preferences of the supporters of larger parties in terms of sociopolitical views.
The empirical evidence shows that the level of knowledge of political systems is directly tied to electoral behavior. People with a more exhaustive understanding are more rational in choosing their party preference. Even the passive viewing of political campaigns increases people’s knowledge, level of engagement and trust in institutions.