No. 20




No. 20, December 2009

Estonians future in a changing world. Transition to euro in Estonia. Elections. Rural life. The European Union. Tax morale. The Constitution. Involvement in parliament. Immigration policy. Penal law. The parliament’s foreign relations. Trends in information search.

Summaries of articles are in English.

Full articles in Estonian

Editor-in-Chief’s Column

RiTo conversation circle


  • Estonia’s future in a changing world

    17 December 2009


    RiTo No. 20, 2009

    The writer discusses whether we have a moral right to leave problems we have not succeeded in coping with for future generations to resolve. We cannot even foresee what will happen in the next 100 years, yet nuclear waste remains hazardous for tens or hundreds of thousands of years. Our geographical location is immutable as well, and geography will determine more than politics in the long run.


Constitutional institutions


Civil society and state authority

History of the Parliament

Literature and Databases

Art gallery
