Speeches by President of the Republic of Latvia Egils Levits at the Opening of the 2020 and 2022 Autumn Sessions of the Saeima
As a central theme of the 2020 speech, the President highlighted the word “sustainability”. Sustainability means being aware of values and passing them on to future generations.
Sustainable and stable development of Latvia was also the aim of the Administrative Reform Act passed by the Saeima during its spring session.
The President of Latvia believes that the sustainability of the nation requires a targeted population and family policy focused on specific, verifiable results, where he pointed to Estonia as an example.
Another topical line of work is the e-governance, its functioning in the processes of state governance. For this, too, it is necessary to create a cross-sectoral policy, governance and legal basis.
External and internal security must be a priority for Latvia also in the future, and European green transition, the transfer to a climate-neutral economic model, is a challenge that will require the government to play an ever more active role and to involve the whole public.
In his 2022 speech, Egils Levits emphasised that Latvia and the world were at the beginning of a totally new era. It means new economy, where new skills are requi-red and which is based on renewable resources, digitalisation and innovation. He thanked the 13th composition of the Parliament for the decisions that clean the country of the remnants of Soviet colonialism.