No. 47




Information Influence Activity of the People’s Republic of China and Its Impact on the Security of the Republic of Estonia

07 June 2023


RiTo No. 47, 2023

  • Martin Õunapuu

    Estonian Rescue Board, Northern Regional Rescue Service, Safety Surveillance Department, Inspector

The growing influence of the People’s Republic of China in the world over the past decades and its aspiration to become a global leader are increasingly prompting Western countries to ask questions about the growing threats and potential threats from China.

Estonia, too, cannot afford to remain indifferent to the growth of China’s global influence and activity. China’s aim is to impose its worldview and standards globally in order to achieve an international environment that suits it. China has become significantly more visible in the global economy and has never before been so active in foreign policy.

China is trying to use foreign investment as a tool to steer the policies of other countries in its favour. In doing so, China often uses the so-called soft power policy.

China has also presented to the world a common goal of the Chinese, the Chinese Dream, which is part of China’s peaceful and harmonious rise. The new Silk Road of the 21st century is also an example of a positive inclusion policy. The author of the article says that the new Silk Road could be a Trojan horse.

China is also making skilful use of information warfare, and continues to create and maintain alliances at the same time, because information warfare does not look like war.
