No. 4




New foundations for party fund-raising

19 December 2001


RiTo No. 4, 2001

  • Ivar Tallo

    Lecturer of Public Administration at the University of Tartu, former member of the Riigikogu, the Mõõdukad Party

This article gives an overview of the issues related to party financing.

It points out an idea that has been repeated by several scholars, indicating that there is no one right system for party fund-raising. At the same time, the principles of party financing do not differ dramatically from country to country, a fact , which has provided the opportunity for developing recommendations of a more general nature. The recommendations leave states free to develop financing plans that meet their own requirements. The financing model for Estonian parties presented in the article is not in conflict with the general recommendations drawn up by of the European Council.

Full article in Estonian
