The article discusses the main models of curriculum and the outlets for training in general and higher education in Estonia and the EU.
Kaarel Haav
Doctor of Psychology, educational sociologist, expert of curricula
Siim Kallas | Presentation in the Riigikogu at the 1st Reading of the Draft State Budget Act 2000 |
Kalle Jürgenson | State Budget 2000, What and Why? |
Olev Raju | Commentaries on the State Budget 2000 |
Madis Võõras | Estonia on the Way to Full Membership of the European Space Agency |
Ene Ergma | Estonia Has Become a Space State |
Urve Läänemets | A Good Teacher Should Be Ready to Learn Also from the Pupils |
Külli Eichenbaum | Using the Local Peculiarities of Old Võromaa |
The article discusses the main models of curriculum and the outlets for training in general and higher education in Estonia and the EU.
In Estonia people have many possibilities to take part in the political processes but they must have thorough knowledge and much free time for that.
Informal or officially registered associations of former MPs are a widespread practice in the world. Gatherings of these associations are officially arranged in the form of annual meetings, but also series of lectures, visits within one’s own country and abroad may be organised.
There are 5581 non-profit associations in Estonia (as at 1.11.99). By fields of life, their number is the biggest in public, social and personal services (3268 associations), and in real estate, lease and business services (1962).