Any Assistance, Even Structural Assistance, Is Meant for Getting You on Your Own Feet. Can We Do That?
EU financial perspective 2014–2020 continues to support Estonian investment into the objectives prescribed by the Cohesion Policy. The share of ESF measures will increase thanks to the common floor set by the Council decision.
This allows the country to set into motion a stronger set of active job market measures, enhances social security, provides for poverty reduction measures in the country and supports continuous modernisation of infrastructure. This article deals with the potential risks related to high level of Cohesion expenditure, its potential effects on the economy and the risks of sudden withdrawal. The case of Spain, as described in international literature, is presented. Similarities between the situation of Spain and Estonia are formulated into criteria that can be used for the future analysis of a country`s ability to benefit from the Cohesion expenditure and avoid ill effects relating to the spending itself or its withdrawal.