Statistics of the Activities of the Riigikogu
Statistics of the activities of the VIII and IX compositions of the Riigikogu might be seen as a yardstick for the work accomplished by the Riigikogu. We learn that as a result of the work of the VIII Riigikogu 754 legal acts were adopted, of them 643 laws, 109 resolutions, and 2 statements. The overview contains a comparison of the IX and VIII Riigikogu during the same time period.
We also see what is the workload of the different standing committees of the Riigikogu, or in other words, which fields of life in Estonia require more regulation. The tables show that these are the finance, economic affairs, constitutional, and legal affairs committees. They were the leading committees in the first and second sessions of the IX Riigikogu with total 71% of the passed legislation and respectively with 70% of the legislation in the VIII Riigikogu.