EU Information Centre of the National Library of Estonia
The EU Information Centre (EUIC) opened in the National Library in 1998 to provide information about the EU.
The target group are officials, specialists, entrepreneurs, school and university students, etc. The Centre offers assistance in finding legislation and other information, and carries out educational programmes for school and university students. There are also personal advisory services on offer.
As a European Documentation Centre (EDC), the Centre is part of the European Commission information centres network, tasked with ensuring access to information about the Union and its working principles.
We recommend the reading room of the Centre as the first port of call when looking for information about the EU; readers are able to peruse high quality research materials on site, or borrow these, or take away free materials regarding institutions and agencies. The National Library search portal gives users free access to full texts of research journals in various fields. The ESO database (European Sources Online) on EU topics provides references to online resources, and publications and documents of EU institutions, international organisations, national governments, and independent think tanks. The EU Information Centre homepage provides information on topical EU issues such as Brexit, climate change, migrant crisis, digital single market, or fake news. The topical dossiers include references to research articles, books, online sources, and articles in the Estonian media. These are regularly updated.
Questions are welcome in the web forum on the home page of the Information Centre. You can contact us or send your questions to