The European Commission seeking to make European administration transparent
Discussions over the future of Europe have been in a central position in sessions of the European Commission this year. For its part, the Commission is satisfied with its proposals to reduce the amount of legislation and regulation of European life from Brussels.
The Commission session also approved an initiative to make European administration more transparent. The idea for such an initiative developed about a year ago. It emerged that the identities of the individuals and firms who receive assistance—agricultural assistance, above all—from the European budget are a great secret in most states. The commission’s work is itself undergoing modernization, in what is termed the e-commission project. Walking to a session, a giant paper-crammed collapsible folder resembling the bellows of an accordion under my arm, I remember Estonian government sessions where everything was on screen. I hope that we will be able to get by in the future at our Commission meetings without such large amounts of paper.