No. 10




Successes and failures in world politics

15 December 2004


RiTo No. 10, 2004

  • Ene Ergma

    Member of the Riigikogu, Vice-Chairperson of the Pro Patria and Res Publica Union

The concept of “hard” and “soft” security are now part of the past, along with the last century. We are realizing that security is a whole and does not only involve ensuring defense forces readiness but also consists of a country’s ability to come to grips with the consequences of a natural disaster or an epidemic. To stem violence and chaos, we must expend effort where the threat of failure is greater.

The more we talk of the world’s divergences, or disparate threats and needs to counter them, the more clear it becomes that instead of concentrating on liquidating them, we need to focus on preventing them – there are too many failed states in the world that breed hopelessness and violence. Voluntary or forcible isolation is a major factor contributing to failure. Estonia has decisively turned its back on isolationism.

Full article in Estonian
