Natural resources should be managed
With the Natural Resources Strategy, Estonia has set itself the aim to get more added value from its natural resources, using as an example the natural resources strategies of Finland, Sweden and other countries. The situation of Estonia is unique because we know of several natural resources with significant economic potential that the state has not seriously studied after the restoration of independence. The state has also contributed rather little to the studying of other natural resources. The problems of the oil shale sector are a serious challenge that are accompanied by social and economic challenges. Construction materials and peat have problems of their own that have to be solved, taking into account the social, economic and environmental aspects. A dynamic country constantly has to adapt to the changing circumstances.
The people of Europe and Estonia are daily consuming several end products, like food, cars, buildings, electronics, energy and infrastructure, dozens of metals and minerals, which we mostly export. But there are certain raw materials that can be found in Europe and in Estonia, and in recent years, increasing raw materials independence in addition to energy independence has been more and more emphasised in the European Union. In Europe, too, the main activity is additional financing of innovation. The natural resources that are at the moment not used in Estonia, like phosphorite, technological dolomite, glauconite, iron ore and argillite, all need major research and development.
A common understanding has been established within the framework of the Natural Resources Strategy that the state can conduct these activities through the National Geological Service.
The state should establish the rules and enable the use of such top technologies that would allow the creation of jobs with high added value outside Tallinn and Tartu, and earning profits to the Estonian society without causing serious damage to the environment.