No. 11




The Baltic Assembly on the road to big changes

  • Andres Taimla

    member of the Riigikogu, Estonian Reform Party; president of the Baltic Assembly, leader of the Estonian delegation

The Estonian delegation has been consistent in its calls for the Baltic Assembly to be reformed, since we feel it has been too self-absorbed.

Among other things, we do not feel that it is right that an entire quarter of the Baltic Assembly budget goes to cover secretariat costs. Estonia’s desire was and is to make the work of the Baltic Assembly more effective, flexible and concrete. The Assembly should focus more on resolving foreign policy issues while not ruling out dealing with problems of domestic life. The Baltic Assembly should organize its work so that it is not just politicians meeting but a place for foreign policy planning and resolving interstate problems. The Estonian delegation desires to continue negotiations on the topic of how to increase the responsibility level of delegations, especially when they are currently fulfilling the important role of president. We propose that the work of the secretariat be rotated so that the president would assume the obligation of organizing the work of the secretariat as well.

Full article in Estonian
