No. 49




Estonia’s export per capita was below the EU average last year

03 July 2024


RiTo No. 49, 2024

In 2023, goods were exported from Estonia for EUR 18.2 billion at current prices, and imported for EUR 21.2 billion. In comparison to 2022, exports decreased by 16% and imports by 17%. The trade deficit amounted to EUR 3 billion.

While Estonia’s exports per capita have traditionally exceeded the EU average, last year the situation was the opposite: Estonia’s exports per capita was EUR 13,324, the EU average was EUR 14,523. Imports per capita exceeded the EU average (EUR 14,523).

In 2023, most of the enterprises engaged in foreign trade were micro enterprises with fewer than 10 employees. They formed 78% of all exporting and 84% of importing economic units. However, medium-sized enterprises with 50–249 employees generated the highest monetary value in trade last year. They accounted for 38% of Estonia’s total exports and 29% of total imports.

In 2023, Estonia’s main export partners were Finland (17% of Estonia’s total export), Latvia (12%) and Sweden (9%).

Electrical equipment, metal and metal products were exported most to Finland.

Goods were imported to Estonia mostly from Finland (15% of Estonia’s total import), Germany (12%) and Latvia (11%).
