This article is a direct continuation to the „A Trip from St. Petersburg to Pechory”, published in the Riigikogu Toimetised in 2005 (No. 12).
Mati Hint
Mati Hint, Member of the VII Riigikogu, Professor Emeritus, Tallinn University
Siim Kallas | Presentation in the Riigikogu at the 1st Reading of the Draft State Budget Act 2000 |
Kalle Jürgenson | State Budget 2000, What and Why? |
Olev Raju | Commentaries on the State Budget 2000 |
Madis Võõras | Estonia on the Way to Full Membership of the European Space Agency |
Ene Ergma | Estonia Has Become a Space State |
Urve Läänemets | A Good Teacher Should Be Ready to Learn Also from the Pupils |
Külli Eichenbaum | Using the Local Peculiarities of Old Võromaa |
This article is a direct continuation to the „A Trip from St. Petersburg to Pechory”, published in the Riigikogu Toimetised in 2005 (No. 12).
The author, member of the 7th Riigikogu and Tallinn University professor emeritus recalls the at-large session of the non-member states committee of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly (CEPA) held 23–27 October 1994 in St. Petersburg and Petseri.
The author, a former member of parliament, recalls the trips of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe non-member states committee to a session in A lbania from 6–10 September 1993 and the Greek peacekeeping organization KEADEA as well as to the European Conference on Peace, Democracy and Cooperation in the Balkans organized by Russian and Balkan peace committees in Greece from 10–16 November 1993.