


The Journal of the Estonian Parliament – The Riigikogu Toimetised (RiTo) –  is a forum for discussing the constitutional tasks of the Parliament and it is oriented towards politicians, scholars, teachers of universities, civil servants and representatives of business and non-profit associations, and everybody interested in politics. It also publishes peer reviewed research papers that deal with the issues of interest in modern society, governance and politics.

The Journal of the Estonian Parliament – Published by the Chancellery of the Riigikogu since 2000. Two issues are published yearly – in June and December.

Riigikogu Toimetised (RiTo) or “The Proceedings of the Riigikogu” is published in Estonian. Summaries of articles are in English.

RiTo is a periodical that takes a close look at the constitutional and social responsibilities of the parliament. RiTo is a journal for politicians, researchers, university lecturers and students, teachers and secondary school students, civil servants, entrepreneurs and civil society actors, as well as everyone interested in politics.

RiTo defines its mission as the promotion of dialogue between researchers and politicians.

The studies and opinions section also publishes high quality peer-reviewed research papers on fascinating issues of modern society, governance and politics. The objective is to use the original study results in social sciences to express practical governance experiences in a scientific way. The publication also welcomes Estonian translations of articles published by Estonian authors in international science journals.


