No. 42



20 Years of Riigikogu Toimetised – Helle Ruusing

  • Helle Ruusing

    Editor-in-Chief of Riigikogu Toimetised issues 11–28

Over these 20 years, a number of interesting, necessary and educational texts have been published. Many of these will grow in value over time.

Almost yearly, I heard the suggestion that I should outsource the publishing side to a publishing house. This would have been a simple solution legally but would not have allowed to keep together a stable team, which is the foundation of quality. The role of the Editor-in-Chief was to keep the team together and to inspire them. Members of the editorial board did not stop at reviewing and confirming the received contributions, but also took an active role in proposing topics and involving authors, as well as writing articles.

It is worth noting that RiTo was and has remained one of the few publications that publishes research articles in the Estonian language. We started by publishing a couple of peer-reviewed articles in every issue. RiTo faced the dilemma of, on the one hand, publishing research based articles and remaining well-balanced, and on the other, competing in a public media space where the published material is obviously more superficial and of the moment.
