No. 49




Greenish industrial policy of the EU and what is going on in Estonia

03 July 2024


RiTo No. 49, 2024

  • Ahti Asmann

    Chairman of the Board, Estonian Chemical Industry Association

The Estonian green transition policy needs economic realism to ensure the viability and competitiveness of industry. More than 1000 organisations, including the Estonian Chemical Industry Association, have joined an appeal to EU leaders to support a European Industrial Deal that has ambitions equal with the European Green Deal, highlighting the challenges relating to high energy prices and raw material supply.

 The message of the Viru Keemia Grupp has been that green policy should focus on reducing CO2 emissions, and not ban specific energy sources, such as oil shale. With the help of innovative technologies, oil shale can be used without CO2 emissions, ensuring the achievement of climate targets, national energy security and economic stability.

Economic growth must remain one of the most important targets also in the context of the green transition policy. It is necessary to develop stable and affordable energy policy and, flexible education policy, and to create an environment favouring large investments. Estonia’s aim should be to attract industrial investments here so that we would not remain losers in the green transition.
