Publications of the National Library and the Riigikogu
This is an introduction to publications compiled by the National Library, which reflect the activities of the Riigikogu or are necessary for parliamentary service, in comparison with similar publications in the Nordic countries.
The major publications are the “Riigikogu Directory” (1993-1999) introducing the members of the Riigikogu and its factions, the “Chronicle of the Riigikogu” (1992/1993-1998/1999) dealing with the structure and activities of the Riigikogu by its sessions, the album “Riigikogu” (1998) on the history of the parliament, its activities as a constitutional institution and the architecture of the building, “Elected and Governed” (1999) introducing the members of the Estonian parliamentary and other representative bodies and governments, the “Riigikogu Bibliography” (2000), annual lists “Bibliographia Iuridica Estonica” or Estonian legal bibliography, and the “Estonian National Bibliography: Official Publications”.
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Rita Hillermaa, born 1957, library science and bibliography 1979, Tallinn Pedagogical University. Work: head of the service of publications of the centre of data and information analysis of the National Library of Estonia 1993-98, chief specialist of the centre of information services for MPs 1998-; member of the editorial board of the Riigikogu Toimetised.