Visit of the Riigikogu Foreign Affairs Committee to the Polish Sejm in 1925
In 1925, from 12-22 May, the parliamentary delegation of the Estonian Riigikogu, led by August Jürman, the deputy chairman of the board of the II Riigikogu, visited the Polish Sejm.
The delegation met with high-level Polish state officials, marshals of the Sejm and Senate. The delegation was given a tour of Krakow, Lodz, Vilnos. The return visit of the Polish parliamentary delegation took place in February 1926. The Polish delegation was led by the vice marshal and chairman of the foreign committee of the Sejm, Jan Dembski. The exchange of parliamentary delegations, remaining the only one during the period between the world wars, had a positive impact on the cooperation and mutual understanding between the two countries. A concrete result was the creation of the Polish-Estonian Society.
Jüri Ant, born 1939, history 1964, Doctor of history 1983, University of Tartu. Work: lecturer at the Uiniversity of Tartu 1966-, head of the department of history of the Soviet Union of the University of Tartu, professor 1984-91, regular professor of modern history 1991-, head of the chair. Affiliation: Estonian Learned Society.