20 Years of Riigikogu Toimetised – Aare Kasemets
By the end of the 1990s, we had a wealth of good examples of journals on parliamentary policy, legislative drafting and other topics from around the world, but the idea was still novel in Estonia.
We put our heads together to create an interesting and useful journal purely out of the information flows circulating within and around the representative body of our small nation, hoping that this would also serve as a foundation for improving the quality of legislation. It is critical that one edition presents the positions of representatives from the parliament and other constitutional institutions as well as Estonian universities, state authorities, and more active businesses and NGOs. It was important for us to ensure that both the coalition and opposition parties were represented. I saw the mission of the RiTo as building a permanent connection between Estonian-medium scientific research and the Riigikogu information space, and defining important political analyses in the spirit of the preamble of the Constitution.