There are about 130 000 people in Estonia who are looking for a job. A large number of people in their prime have no steady income and, what is even worse form their own standpoint, they have no possibility to be useful.
Siim Kallas | Presentation in the Riigikogu at the 1st Reading of the Draft State Budget Act 2000 |
Kalle Jürgenson | State Budget 2000, What and Why? |
Olev Raju | Commentaries on the State Budget 2000 |
Madis Võõras | Estonia on the Way to Full Membership of the European Space Agency |
Ene Ergma | Estonia Has Become a Space State |
Urve Läänemets | A Good Teacher Should Be Ready to Learn Also from the Pupils |
Külli Eichenbaum | Using the Local Peculiarities of Old Võromaa |
Future vision of Estonia. Unemployment. Financing of health care.
Family benefits. Estonian energy. Ethics of social science. Open innovation.
Baltic Sea Cooperation. Piracy nowadays.
Summaries of articles are in English.
There are about 130 000 people in Estonia who are looking for a job. A large number of people in their prime have no steady income and, what is even worse form their own standpoint, they have no possibility to be useful.
Riigikogu Toimetised invited four experts of economy and social policy to the conversation circle on 24 May, in order to discuss the extensive unemployment in Estonia as a result of the global economic recession.
The author recalls that the Estonian Human Development Report 2009 was recently deliberated in the Riigikogu as a matter of national importance.
Involvement is much spoken about in Estonia but actual cooperation between the public and decision-makers rarely happens, not to speak about giving the right to make decisions to the public. Again an again, decision-makers find that they alone are the wisest and the most proper persons to set things right.
A small state like Estonia must keep pace with others in the development of energy. Decisions for the future concerning energy will have a long-term impact on the security policy of our state and the subsistence capacity of the whole population. For this reason, broad-minded energy specialists need to be involved in making the relevant political decisions.
Sustainability in Estonian energy sector is based on oil shale industry and mainly on the Baltic and Estonian power plants that were built in Soviet time.
Can a scientist of a certain field assume a position of the scientist in a field which he or she does not know?
The article discusses execution of court decisions of the Constitutional Review Chamber of the Supreme Court and their impact on the legislator and courts, on the basis of the Constitutional Review Chamber of the Supreme Court decisions from 2004 until 2009.
This article discusses the meaning and relevance of ‘open innovation’ for Estonian entrepreneurs and policy-makers.
* Peer-reviewed research paper.
The article discusses the question of whether direct democracy (for example, a referendum) is a better resolution to certain legislative drafting issues than representative democracy, and that first of all from the aspect of the legitimacy of legislative drafting.
The article explains natural and private legal persons’ judicial and non-judicial remedies for breaches of EU law.
The authors state that, unlike the high parental benefit, child benefits paid to families in Estonia are very low.
The recently launched report “Responding to the challenge of financial sustainability in Estonia’s health system” (authors Sarah Thomson, Andres Võrk, Triin Habicht, Liis Rooväli, Tamàs Evetovits, Jarno Habicht) assesses the current performance of health system, the health financing policy and its financial sustainability.
Several local government reforms have taken place in Western countries since 1945. One of the reasons for reforms has been the concept that economic efficiency is related to the size of local government.
The article discusses whether, according to the Constitution of the Republic of Estonia, Eesti Pank may issue legislation of general application mandatory to third persons, that is, the right of Eesti Pank to issue Regulations.
For some time already, the foreign policy of Estonia has been looking for a new goal to strive towards and to engage in. Among other things, a proposal has been made to cooperate more with the Nordic and Baltic countries or all Baltic Sea states because cooperation should be simple and successful in that region already thanks to the similar history and good relations.
What the education system of a state is like and how it is managed, depends on the ideology adopted in the society and the ability to make professional decisions.
Section 37 of the Estonian Constitution provides the right to education without tuition fee in state and local government general education schools. It is an important fundamental right of an individual but its substantial essence tends to receive little attention in everyday political and social discussions.
The purpose of the article is to give an overview of the creation of the elections platform of the umbrella organisation, the Federation of Estonian Student Unions, communication with political parties during the Riigikogu campaign, and follow-up activities.
For Estonian non-profit associations, participation in the formation of the life of the society means for the most part acting at a local level and cooperation contacts with local governments and other non-profit associations.
Piracy is a global problem which does not concern only the regions immediately related to piracy, and therefore fighting it requires serious international efforts.
The Year of Reading is a suitable time to speak about books, companions for us all, in most different ways.
As of 2004, lending allowance is paid to authors and holders of copyright in Estonia for their books being lent from public libraries.